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Vim learning Journey

Kai-Chin Huang
3 min readFeb 13, 2022

Vim is written long time ago but it is one of the best software ever written. It’s not outdated, it’s not old-fashioned. If you wanna be fast smooth and dripping with coconut oil. Mastering Vim is a must. No more Intellij, no more VSCode, no more Sublime. Learning vim is one of the best investment for developers!

I followed this series from the Youtuber ThePrimeagen for learning VIM. He has a lot of experience using vim and also makes funny videos. Each phase takes about a week to practice, don’t try to rush all command at one time. Familiarize yourself with each sets of commands before moving on.

Learning Journey


hjkl: basic movement

w forward by a word

b back by a word

yy copy a line

p paste a line below

dd delete a line

u undo

V highlight a line

v highlight a character

i insert mode

:w save file

yw copy word

dw delete the remaining word

dj delete current line and next line


o insert line above

O insert line after

P past a line above

a append

A insert mode in end of line

I insert mode in beginning of line

/ search n search next result N search previous result

* search next result of current word

# search previous result of current word


Inline movement

f Jump onto the character (after) e.g. fe (jump onto e)

t Jump to the character (after)

F Jump onto the character (before)

T Jump to character (before)

Above command plus ; move to next one

x delete a single char

s delete a single char and go to insert mode

cw delete the remaining word and go to insert mode

combine dcyv with ftFT

dt) delete everything until the closing parenthesis

ct) change everything until the closing parenthesis and go to insert mode

yt) copy everything until the closing parenthesis

vT( highlight everything in visual mode until the open parenthesis before

D delete the rest of the line

C change the rest of the line and go to insert mode


Vertical move

gg top of the file

GG buttom of the file

:100 go the line 100

[number][hjklwb] move [number][movement]

{ go up by paragraph

} go down by paragraph

Ctrl u page up

Ctrl d page down

% go to matching parenthesis (useful)

vi{ select everything inside bracket

di{ delete everything inside nearest bracket and go to insert mode

ci{ change everything inside nearest bracket and go to insert mode

ca{ change everything inside nearest bracket (including) and go to insert mode

c2i{ change everything inside nearest bracket (2 level) and go to insert mode

cip delete a paragraph and go to insert mode

diw delete current word


ctrl ^ swap between last two open files

ctrl o move to previous cursor position

ctr i move to next cursor position

m[lowercase] local mark (current file)

m[uppercase] global mark (anywhere)

‘[mark] jump to mark

Anything start with ctrl w is window command

(He recommends not to use splits, just use one window ! But this is personal preference)

ctrl w v open new window vertically

ctrl w s open new window horizontally

ctrl w o close all window but current one

ctrl w hjkl move between windows

Plugin manager

vim-plug: A minimalist Vim plugin manager

Useful Plugin

telescope : Fuzzy search (nvim only)

Practice vim

VimBeGood: vim plugin that let you practice vim, also developed by ThePrimeagen


gruvbox : Best color scheme ever


I am still learning vim, so this post get updated regularly to record my learning journey. I am also using nvim instead of vim, because it comes with a lot of default features. Here is my nvim setup.

keep hustling !

